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"Marla was a huge help and encouragement in my job search after a previous layoff. She helped me research careers in depth and discern what would be the best path for me. She showed me how to format my resume and has a wealth of knowledge about networking and how to differentiate yourself as a job applicant. With her help I was able to get a job as an acquisitions analyst and am taking tangible steps to advance my career."
Eric Brown

"I felt very stuck in a career path that I had chosen straight out of school, but it wasn't what I was interested in or something I was passionate about continuing. [Marla] helped me to look at my interests and strengths in a new way to find a career path that I love and gave me the stepping stones to pursue it. I am now excited to go to work every day!"
Sydney Botine

"Marla went above and beyond to help coach me while I was in the process of pursuing a new career. She helped me refine my resume, looked up open job positions on my behalf, and went the extra mile to coach me for interviews. Marla cares deeply about the people she works with and wants to see people succeed. I am currently working for a start up building a customer success center, and I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for her help."
Britt Tuscan

"You helped give me direction and a starting place when I felt like I didn't know where to even begin. You also helped validate my concerns that I wouldn't be able to get a job as an analyst - or any sort of business job for that manner - considering that I majored in Studio Art. It was talking to you, meeting with you, taking those tests, and you helping figure out what to do with all the information that helped me get rolling and going."
Christiana Hellinga

"I am so grateful to Marla Johnson for her assistance in my re-entering the work force. She helped with my resume, with regaining confidence in my abilities after being a stay-at-home Mom for 22 years and with career assessment. Through a test that Marla had me take, I was able to identify that I would be well-suited to working in healthcare. With a business background, I wondered how to make that work? I was able to identify that working with my former clients was my "sweet spot” in my former career, despite the bulk of my job responsibilities being in data analysis. Now I am registering patients in a hospital and I know I make a difference in people’s lives at a vulnerable and scary time for them. I am so happy to work in a position that is the first point of contact with the patient. Without that testing and Marla’s guidance, I don’t know how I would have ever identified healthcare as a viable option."
Lisa Adams

"Marla helped me figure out jobs and careers that would fit best with who I am-my interests, passions, experience and background. She went over my assessment results with me and it was so fun to consider the jobs I'd enjoy doing someday. This helped me choose a major in college-business-and so far it seems to fit! She also helped me with my resume which I needed for applying to colleges . Her coaching really helped lead me into the next chapter of my life."
Elizabeth Quinones

"Marla was an amazing resource, guide and support during my recent job search. She patiently answered all my questions and gave me helpful insights and thoughtful, innovative ideas and strategies to help me move forward and land a job. Her positive can-do attitude plus her wealth of knowledge kept me steady during my search."
Tracy Greenhalgh
"My experience working with Marla was above and beyond my expectations. Her expertise and knowledge were tremendously helpful in the process of changing my career. Marla's help with the Strong interpretation saved me from pursuing a job I wouldn't have enjoyed or been great at. She helped me identify my abilities and strengths and helped me gain confidence. Our weekly sessions helped me stay on track. Her help with setting up my LinkedIn profile and the connections I found made the most significant impact in finding a new job. Marla is a fantastic career coach, but more than that, I quickly learned I found a friend for life. I recommend her with no hesitation to anyone who needs help finding a new job or changing their careers."
Daniela Miculit